
Access My Nintendo QR Code


Authenticator App for Nintendo Account

This app generates a time-sensitive code that you must enter, along with your password, when logging in to your Nintendo Account account. This added layer of ...

Nintendo Account支援- 密鑰

“QR Code” is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

Nintendo QR Code: Players can now check

2023年10月29日 — Nintendo QR Code allows players a faster way to check-in to their My Nintendo website. The website contains the player's Nintendo account ...

Q:【Nintendo Account】如欲設定「兩步驟驗證」。

Nintendo Account的兩步驟認證是利用智慧型手機應用程式「Google Authenticator」(以下稱應用程式)設定使用的。請準備智慧型手機後按以下步驟設定。

資料管理|Nintendo Switch支援資訊

“QR Code” is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED. 相關資訊. 關於microSD卡 · 主機儲存記憶體容量不足該怎麼辦? 無法辨識microSD卡/即使 ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。,Thisappgeneratesatime-sensitivecodethatyoumustenter,alongwithyourpassword,whenloggingintoyourNintendoAccountaccount.Thisaddedlayerof ...,,“QRCode”isaregisteredtrademarkofDENSOWAVEINCORPORATED.,2023年10月29日—NintendoQRCodeallowsplayersafasterwaytocheck-intotheirMyNintendowebsite.Thewebsitecontainstheplayer'sNintendoaccount ...,NintendoAccount的兩步驟認證是利用智慧型手機應...